MOITAL - Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor
Ministry of trade and labor today is under ministry of economic and encourage the trade in Israel
Israel has open and transparent Importation regime. While in principle almost all products are allowed to enter Israel, for some products there are licenses requirements.
The Free Import Order and its annexes set out general requirements for importation, which goods need permits and/or licenses and which authority or official body issues the permit or license.
- General Data
- Emc/Safety
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Depend
MOC - Israel Ministry of Communications
The Ministry of Communications encompasses a wide and diversified range of activities. Its responsibilities include: formulating telecommunications regulation and policy, developing telecommunications infrastructures, supervising Bezeq and other telecommunications service providers, supervising the Postal Authority, setting and auditing postal and communications tariffs, managing the electromagnetic spectrum’ regulating and supervising cable television services and tariffs, and approving usage of telecommunications equipment in Israel.
- General Data
- Radio/Telecom
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Depend
SII - The standarts instatutaion of israel
The Standards Institution of Israel – (SII) is Israel’s official body for the preparation and publication of Israeli standards. Today SII incorporates Standardization, Testing, Certification and Training activities, under one roof and has laboratories in almost all technological areas, providing testing and inspection services to industry and commerce, as well as regulatory services to government.
- General Data
- Emc/Safety
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Depend
MOH - The Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health bears national responsibility for ensuring the health of the population of Israel. The ministry determines the policy on matters of health and medical services, and is in charge of planning, supervision and control, licensing and coordination of the health system’s services.
- General Data
- EMC/Safety
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Depend