Argentina regulation
IRAM (Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación) is Argentina Institute of Standardization and Certification. IRAM is the main certification body in Argentina – a not-for-profit private association founded in 1935. It is the national standardization body, and it operates certification activities under an independent management.
- General Data
- Safety
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Depands
All commercial electronic devices (unintentional radio-frequency radiators) sold in the United States are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) if they:
– employ clocks or oscillators
– operate at a frequency of greater than 9 kHz, and
– use digital techniques
This includes almost every product that contains a microprocessor. If an unintentional radiator is not controlled through proper design using grounding and shielding, the result may be high levels of energy radiated or conducted from the equipment causing unwanted effects upon another device.
- General Data
- EMC/Radio
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Depands
CNC (Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones)
In Argentina, telecommunications equipments must comply with specific standards and regulations that are developed and established by the National Communications Commission. Approved telecommunications equipments are listed in the Register of Telecommunications Equipment and Activities, which is controlled by CNC.
- General Data
- Radio/Telecom
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Depands
Brazil regulation
INMETRO (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização E Qualidade Industrial)
INMETRO is the national accreditation body responsible for accreditation of certification bodies and laboratories and for development and implementation of the Brazilian certification system. Resolution 001/92 was established to enforce the mandatory approval of specified products.
- General Data
- Safety/EMC
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Yes
ANATEL (Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações)
ANATEL is an independent organ of the Brazilian Ministry of Communications established in 1997. The agency is directly responsible for issuing rules for certification and homologation of telecommunications equipments in Brazil.
- General Data
- Radio/Telecom
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Yes
Colombia regulation
CRC is the agency in charge of setting technical regulations of the telecommunications market in Columbia with the aim of developing the sector within the guidelines established by the state.
- General Data
- Radio/Telecom
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - No
- Local Testing - Depands
SUPTEL (Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones)
CONATEL (Consejo Nacional de Telecomunicaciones) regulates telecommunications services and the use of radio spectrum as well as approving standards for telecommunications terminal equipments.
- General Data
- Radio/Telecom
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - No
- Local Testing - Depands
Mexico regulation
COFETEL (Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones)
Established in 1995, COFETEL is an independent organ of the Mexican Secretary of Communications and Transport. The agency is directly responsible for regulating interstate and international telecommunications by radio, wire, satellite and cable.
- General Data
- Radio/Telecom
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Depands
NOM (Norma Oficial Mexicana)
In accordance with the federal law on metrology and standardization, NOM is mandatory for most electrical and electronic products in Mexico. Copies of the NOM certificates are required by Mexican customs authorities to accompany each shipment into the country.
- General Data
- Safety
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - Yes
- Local Testing - Depands
Peru regulation
MTC (Ministerio de Transportes Comunicaciones)
MTC represents Peru in international organizations, grants concessions, approves the national telecommunications plan and regulates equipment standards.
- General Data
- Radio/Telecom
- Requirement
- Local Represantative - No
- Local Testing - Depands